April 2017 - CLICHE THING

Saturday 8 April 2017

Review Mask Savee
04:010 Comments
Hai. Actually this is my second time review.
Entri sebelum ni aku terdelete. So I do it again.(Jngn cuai mcm aku)

The origin of this Savee is aku tak sure. Ada yang kata dari Singapura and ada yang kata Malaysia. Tapi mmg ada kilang Savee dekat Shah Alam.

So, aku ada beli mask Savee masa promotion. Satu RM1. Murah kan? Tu yang sebeban aku beli dan tak abes pakai lagi.

So far best je pakai just rasa pedih sikit or more likely panas. So aku syorkan supaya korang pastikan letak kat dlm peti ais dulu before guna.
Dari segi bentuk pula, kalau dah pakai tu mmg tak boleh buka mata dah. I'm not sure faktor geografi muka aku atau mask Savee ni mmg dicipta kecil sedikit compare to others masker. Tapi kalau aku pakai mmg terus tido sebab tak boleh buka mata dah.

The effect after is soooo Awesome. Memang tak percaya lah. Disebabkan aku beli whitening punya. So betul2 white muka aku. Lain macam dia punya white. Haha

Apa2 pon benda tu tak tahan lama la. Still hv to use regularly klau nak lebih brkesan. Selalu pon enough once or twice per week. Maaf entri kali ni pendek than before. Btw thanks for reading and Good luck.
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Malaysian Review about Friends Abroad
03:220 Comments
Hello there!! Okay this is my second time write the entry in english. So First warning is 'I'm not fluent in English, so if there is any sentences you don't understand just ignore it.' xD

Today I wanna share my experience about being friend with people across the world. Whats happened to me and them. Everything that I can share.

I had been friends with someone who from Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, India, Czech Republic, Poland, Republic Cyprus, Russia and USA. There is many more out there that I don't listed. To me all of them is different. But what the same is they accepted who ever you are.

No matter how you look. Or either you're Muslim. If you think that people out there is Islamicphobic. No! Not all. Sometime my friend and I were sharing idea about our religion. Thats make me know more about others religion.
The most common question I ask them is 'tell me about your country or how education system in your country?'

I can see that the education system is about the same but the different is the syllabus. In Malaysia you might have to further in foundation or Diploma or Matriks or Form 6 before do your degree. But differently in others country they can do their degree after high school. Sometime make me feel jealous hahaha.

By the topic or true friends???
Some of them that I can see they just chat or Email just to telling me about some topic. Eg. Love/Volleyball/Family and so on..
But still can be found someone who really want to be friend with me. They share all about them.

Family,Friends,Crush,School,Enemy,Whats they like whats not. Favorite Movie/Song, Birthday. They wish you when your Birthday, they share photo, send gift, or tell their family about you. Thats true Penpal. :)

I got 2 friends from USA. One from Seattle and another one from California. The one from Seattle I lost his contact but we always share about his Syndrome. And from California, he is Open-Minded never hurt my feeling eventhough he try to tell me that he don't really understand what I write. Haha. We always chat about future and Crush.

The one from Hong Kong. He is the Happy Go Lucky boy. You will always laugh reading his Email. And we share about dream and Family.
Friends from Poland is the easier you can find. So many people from Poland in Penpal website. Eventhough they are many. I can say that most of them is Kind and Open-Minded. And have a high self-confident.

My friends from Russia is from somewhere near Moscow. She is firm in speaking but if you know how to make they(Russian) happy, they will okay with you. Warning: always Positive in their words.
My bestfriend is from Cyprus. She is the one who share many things to me. Very Easy-going and trusted. I know about her family friends and crush ofcourse. And I hope I can be friend with her for a long time.
Dominika from Poland
Elina from Russia
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Belajar Luar Negara atau Dalam Negara
02:020 Comments
Hai harini aku nak share pasal pendapat aku tntang belajar luar negara atau dalam negara. Yes perkara ni dah jadi common thing in student lepasan spm selalu fikirkan.

Korang mesti peningkan nak pilih which one is better? Rasa macam nak study luar negara tapi takut English tak pas pulak kan?
Okay, bagi aku lah kan tak ada beza pon kalau korang betul-betul nak berjaya, study dekat universiti biasa2 pon boleh.

Just hari tu aku ada argue sikit dgn kwn pasal benda ni. Dia cakap 'aku nak study dlm Malaysia je pastu habis study baru kerja dekat luar negara, lagi bagus. Tu tunjukkan yg local university pon boleh lahirkan seseorang yg bagus untuk bekerja di negara luar. Lagi jimat'

So pendapat aku pulak, Aku lebih suka seseorang yg study abroad pastu dia bawa ilmu yang dia ada sepanjang study kat negara org tu ke Malaysia dan aplikasikannya sehingga mampu memajukan negara atau melahirkan masyarakat yg kreatif dan inovasi.

Depends kat korang nak nilai macam mana. Bagi aku, mmg bagus kau boleh naikkan inej negara dgn kejayaan kau mampu bekerja di luar negara tapi pernah tak korang fikir yg ianya tak memberi bnyk kelebihan kpd negara sendiri? Cth korang popular kat London. And benda tu buat org London tahu tntg Malaysia. Itu je sumbangan korang. Paling besar pon kalau korang boleh tarik minat foreign untuk dtg melancong kat Malaysia. Secara keseluruhannya aku boleh cakap 'Kelebihan untuk diri sendiri banyak tapi untuk negara sendiri sedikit'

Kalau korang study abroad then balik Malaysia bawa ilmu dan pemikiran yg korang dapat pastu majukan negara sendiri. I think its better. Maybe ada beberapa org argue pasal ni. Cthnya, korang tak nak kerja dgn kerajaan. Bagi aku tak ada masalah pon. Korang kerja sendiri atau apa-apa kerja pon tapi yg penting guna segala ilmu yg korang ada tu sehingga mampu buat korang berjaya sama dgn negara Malaysia.

Aku bagi contohlah kan. Habibie(bekas perdana menteri Indonesia) beliau dulu study kat German lepas tu ilmu yang beliau ada tu, beliau telah berjaya membina train di German(menaikkan imej negara) lepas tu beliau balik Indonesia dan membina Kapal Terbang yang automatik menjadi Kapal Terbang pertama di Indonesia. Bila fikirkan balik beliau tiada niat ingin membantu kerajaan tapi beliau cuma merealisasikan impiannya. Tapi sekali gus dapat nemajukan negara Indonesia dgn penciptaan beliau.
See? Sekaligus naikkan imej negara, majukan negara dan merealisasikan impian.
Untuk pengetahuan korang, Malaysia still tak ada Kapal Terbang ciptaan sendiri tau! So, apa lagi? Siapalah yg bakal majukan negara kita ni kan?

Think about it! Aku tak cakap study dlm negara tak baik. Cuma kalau korang bezakan antara 'study luar, kerja dlm' atau 'study dlm, kerja luar' aku akn pilih study luar negara then kerja kat Malaysia. Tapi aku lagi tabik org yg study dlm Malaysia then dia kerja kat Malaysia jugak sampai majukan negara Malaysia dan naikkn imej negara. Ini baru betul dan sesuai dgn 'Local University pon mampu lahirkan org yg berjaya dan mampu majukan negara sendiri'

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